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Reinstatement After Dismissal

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Reinstatement Policy

如果学生在学术上被学院开除,如果上诉不被批准, or the student does not appeal, a student may apply for a one-time reinstatement to Marist College no earlier than one fall or spring semester following the dismissal 在另一认可院校取得优异成绩后. Students dismissed in June cannot return through reinstatement until the following January at the earliest; those dismissed in January cannot return through for reinstatement until the following August at the earliest. However, 大多数学生都想花一个多学期的时间来考虑是否要申请继续在玛丽斯特学习的许可. Improved academic performance does not guarantee reinstatement to Marist.

To be considered for reinstatement, 学生必须将以下项目(全部在一个包中)提交给咨询和学术服务中心(CAAS):

  1. A clearly written, signed statement, addressed to the Academic Standards Committee, offering direct, 可验证的证据,证明重返玛丽斯特学院学习的严肃性. This letter should outline a plan for academic success, 包括要使用的资源和改进/改变的方法,以取得成功.
    1. 如适用,应包括表明情况已发生变化的医疗文件.
  2. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member at the other institution attended. The letter should be written on official institutional letterhead, sealed, and signed by the faculty member across the seal.
  3. An official, sealed transcript documenting satisfactory academic performance at the other institution. For reinstatement purposes, 满意的成绩被定义为在传统学期(秋季或春季)中每门课程的成绩达到“C”或更高,其中至少有12个学分, taken concurrently (minimum of 6 credits, taken concurrently for part-time students) has been completed. 请注意,如果你的复职被批准,你只能在bet亚洲365欢迎投注注册你在其他地方注册的学分,不超过12个学分.
  4. Payment of reinstatement $150 in the form of a check made out to Marist College.

After reviewing the submitted materials, 学术标准委员会有权暂时恢复该学生的学籍. The Committee may require: limited course loads, mandated academic support services, 限制课外活动和任何有助于提高学习成绩的要求的组合. 复学的学生将被自动置于高风险的留校察看状态,并且必须达到至少2分.0 semester grade point average during this and every subsequent semester. Under no circumstances will a student be reinstated to Marist more than once.

Please note:

  1. If a student is looking to transfer back courses taken at another institution, they are advised to complete the REQUEST TO TAKE A COURSE AT ANOTHER COLLEGE form and understand the instructions listed on the form. 建议学生咨询他们的专业院长/主席,以了解他们的专业和核心课程中的哪些课程可以在其他机构学习. 如果未填写此表格,则不能保证课程将转入bet亚洲365欢迎投注.
  2. If a student has no intention of transferring courses back to Marist, they may attend either a 2 or 4 year institution.
  3. 被批准复学的学生最多只能注册在原院校修过的学分.
  4. 强烈建议复职申请人在申请复职的学期前至少两个月联系咨询和学术服务中心.
  5. 所有被开除的学生必须遵守复职政策,无论他们最初被开除的时间是多久以前.
  6. 未上课超过四个学期的学生也必须在复课后联系注册办公室申请重新入学. 请注意,以前的玛丽斯特学生不需要通过入学重新申请学院.


Academic Dismissal

任何学期未达到学院最低学术标准的学生可被开除学籍. Every Marist student has one opportunity to appeal a first-time academic dismissal. If an appeal is not granted, or a student does not appeal, a student may apply for a one-time reinstatement to Marist College (see the Reinstatement site for more information). 被开除,复职,再被开除的学生不能再回到圣母学院. 请注意,纪律处分解雇或缓刑是一个单独的实体,这些程序在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学学生手册中有描述. Below are the specifics on how to appeal. 学生必须遵守指导中心规定的时间和截止日期 & Academic Services (CAAS). Any appeals received after the appeal deadline will not be accepted.


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Appeals of Academic Dismissals

How do I appeal my dismissal? Is there a form?

While there is no standard form, a student’s appeal is a letter addressed to the Academic Standards Committee. 这封信应该写得很好,打印得很好,并且应该包含以下内容:

  • 对导致学习成绩差的具体原因进行详细说明.
  • Official documentation that verifies their statement (i.e. 医疗记录、教员推荐信、工作时间证明、法律文件等.).
  • If the student was on Academic Probation prior to their dismissal, they should describe their compliance with the last probationary contract.
  • 描述如果有机会回到bet亚洲365欢迎投注,他们将采取哪些步骤来提高自己的学术地位.
  • 学生的信应该签名,并包含联系信息,以便委员会决定后通知他们.
  • 请注意,逾期上诉将不予考虑,在这种情况下,最初的解雇将有效.

How long should my appeal letter be?

学术申诉没有推荐长度,因此可以根据需要长或短,以充分描述和记录情况. 记住,每封信都是完整的阅读,所以只包括相关的信息. It is highly recommended the letter be proofread.

Can I appeal to the Committee in person?

No. 为了确保每个学生都有平等和独立的复职机会, the Committee utilizes a standardized process of document collection and analysis.

What percentage of appeals are granted?

上诉是根据每个案件的是非曲直而不是案件数量来决定的. 因此,请求上诉与批准上诉的比例并没有固定的模式. As stated above, every student has an equal and independent chance for reinstatement.

I am going to be away during the time the Committee is deliberating. 在我缺席的情况下,你能给我的父母/监护人留言告知我上诉的结果吗?

No. Given the limits set by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA),学生的学业成绩通知只能发给学生本人.